About Us

The Virtuous Cycle Experiment is the idea of consistently choosing to bring focus and breathe life into whatever passion you’re gifted with. For me, that’s art and music. What is it for you? Do you know?

I’ve found that so many people never take the time to discover what they truly love to do. Or worse, know and don’t do it! I implore you; if you don’t know, discover what it is, and if you do know, pursue it! Deep down we know that life is short, and tomorrow isn’t promised. Yet, instead of taking every moment captive, we plan for tomorrow. All we have is this moment right now. Let's make the most of it! So here I am pursuing the life of my wildest dreams. I hope to be a light of encouragement and inspiration for others to do the same.

What if whatever fear is holding you back and down no longer could, because you’re too focused on the things that brighten your days and propel you forward? What if instead of finding company for our misery, we combat it by focusing on the things that bring us joy? What if you could share your wildest dreams with a whole tribe of people and feel truly supported? That is the community I believe this brand will build and attract. I want to speak life, not only over myself, but over the people around me and have it spread like wildfire.

Adopting the lifestyle of the Virtuous Cycle Experiment just might be the best decision you’ll ever make. Adjust your mindset, focus on what you love to do DAILY. It could (and likely will) lead to new incredible opportunities. It has for me. If you’d like to be part of this experiment, it starts now.
We don't have much time.

Step 1: Answer the question: What sets your soul on fire?

Ps. Matthew 6:33 KJV "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."



If you do what you love every day, then opportunities arise within your scope of passion.

Oh, and it's contagious.

"What sets your soul on fire?"

Step 1: Discover what you're passionate about

Step 2: Do it. Every day. Even if you think you suck.

Step 3: Share it! Share your journey, your progress, all the highs and lows. This keeps you accountable as well as encourages and inspires others to follow suit.