Aaron Bourguignon - Emergency Academy

He left his full-time job as a corrections officer to start his own company teaching the masses about the life-saving skills he learned in the field. “As for the non-material things, it took a leap of faith and passion to leave my job as a deputy and pursue something that makes me happy.” - Aaron Bourguignon

Heather Thompson @ Virtuous Cycle Experiment

7/1/20222 min read

Aaron is in pursuit of his passions as we speak. He has a giant heart and is using his innate gifts of compassion and the desire to help, to literally save lives.

Aaron used to be a deputy at a jail. He was first in line when convicts were being brought in. This man has seen everything from willing participants to people that make you deeply question humanity. As one might assume, this began to weigh heavy on him over time. To be surrounded by people who neglect the values he holds so high… to be surrounded by thieves and murderers with little to no regard for life… to feel like he’s on a prison sentence, himself, in attempts to help serve justice. He had the purest of intentions, but at the end of the day, his eyes had shifted to different goals.

After nearly 10 years and two certifications through the police academy, he decided to leave his stable job, with benefits and a retirement plan, to chase his dreams with everything he had. He decided life was too short and too important to stay locked away in a jail (even if it was willingly). So, he broke out and here he stands today.

“While I was in law enforcement, I had to perform CPR multiple times and know the importance of knowing what to do in an emergency situation. I wanted to share the knowledge I gained through my years of experience with anyone that is interested. The more people who know CPR, the more lives that can be potentially saved.”

He now owns a company called Emergency Academy where he travels to his clients and holds hands on and in-depth classes to certify people in First Aid and CPR. He also teaches life-saving classes and workshops at the nearby college. His day-to-day life went from confining people to a cell, to spreading knowledge and skills that defy death. When asked what an average day on the job looks like now, he responded, “I wake up and usually put on a custom shirt that has my business logo on it which makes me feel pretty proud. I go to the scheduled class, fully prepared, and ready to meet the individuals that want to learn skills such as CPR and using an AED. These people who learn from my company are usually in a field that may need it such as Law Enforcement or Healthcare, or just motivated persons wanting to learn skills that may save a life.”

The transition was far from easy though. It took tremendous courage and support to leave his job and go after something he really believes in.

“It took specialized classes, paperwork and some money. As for the non-material things, it took a leap of faith and passion to leave my job as a deputy and pursue something that makes me happy.”.

Aaron Bourguignon is the embodiment of what the Virtuous Cycle Experiment stands for. He turned from his comfortable job of worldly security and leapt into the unknown for a life filled with passion and purpose. He believes that even if only one life is saved by the work he is doing now, then this was all worth it.

If you are interested in learning these skills or simply want to check out his website, follow the link below.